The quantity and quality of our years is largely dependent upon a number of choices that we make in our lifetime. While what we choose to eat, how we respond to stress and how much exercise we get are three of the leading longevity affecting choices, but there are dozens more. This is why we are unlikely to find a single magic pill and why a holistic approach is the most promising approach.
Mitochondria, the energy powerhouses of our cells, play a pivotal role in health, energy production, and longevity.
As the science of longevity advances, two nutrients—Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA) and Acetyl-L-Carnitine (ALCAR)—have emerged as powerful allies in the battle against aging.
Aging is inevitable, but how we age is increasingly within our control. While much of the conversation around aging focuses on lifespan, a more crucial metric may be healthspan.
Aging is an inevitable part of life, but the quest to age healthily, maintaining physical and mental well-being, is more achievable than ever.
Glycine and NAC: The Dynamic Duo for Healthy Aging
Crepe skin refers to thin, finely wrinkled, and often sagging skin that resembles the texture of crepe paper.
Long Life, Healthy Life
More than any time in history, “age” is truly just a number. The baby boomer generation has been blessed with the freedom today to be able to explore ourselves much more fully
Ancient Remedies Revisited
Humankind has been searching for the fountain of youth probably as long as we have inhabited this planet.
Aging Beautifully – Beautiful Aging
Saints and seers, explorers and scientists, doctors and dreamers, all have long sought immortality (or at least a much longer lifespan)…