When most of us think of mushrooms, we think “topping for a pizza” or “something to put on a salad”.  And while it may be surprising to find out that mushrooms are some of humankind’s oldest most versatile medicines, in Asia they have long been valued as the highest quality of remedies.  Finally, practitioners and researchers in the West are waking up to their healing potential.

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Whether it’s enhancing sleep quality, managing holiday stress, or supporting immune and liver health, Reishi offers a natural, holistic approach to well-being.

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Ergothioneine is quickly becoming one of the most talked-about nutrients in health and wellness circles, and for good reason. Often referred to as the “longevity vitamin,”…

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Native Americans had an extensive knowledge of their environment, including the diverse array of fungi that grew in their territories.

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Imagine a single herb that has the power to boost your energy, strengthen your lungs, enhance your vitality, and promote longevity—all while balancing your body’s inner harmony.

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There is much more to mushrooms than as a topping for salads and pizza. Find out why over the last few years mushrooms have been gaining a wider acceptance in the West for their “medicinal” or health supporting benefits.

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 Mushrooms have been working their herbal magic for us for thousands of years. Traditional healers in China, Japan and other parts of Asia have highly prized and recognized…

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It’s not just our immune system we need to be attentive to, it’s our fur babies’ immune health as well.    

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Lori, a 40-something single Mom in a stressful work situation, has been bothered by frequent colds, flu and infections for many years. Numerous trips to doctors really did nothing to help.

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While new to us, mushrooms have been highly prized in Asia for hundreds of years, several of which are considered to be the highest level of remedies, they were called “Superior medicines”.*

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